Java + JS去除網頁HTML標籤

同樣是工作上用到,在前(Javascript)、後端(Java、JSP)同樣都有的一個需求,就是必須將讀入的字串去除HTML Tag,以下是兩個範例:

var HTML = "";
HTML+= "<p>HTML P Tag String</p>";
HTML+= "<p><a href='/test/link.html'>HTML A Tag String</a></p>";

var htmlTagPattern = /<{1}[^>]{1,}>{1}/g; //HTML Tag Pattern
var htmlSplit = HTML.replace(htmlTagPattern, ""); //移除HTML Tag

console.log("htmlSplit : " , htmlSplit); //輸出htmlSplit :  HTML P Tag StringHTML A Tag String
package CDIT.stanley;
public class trimHTML {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String HTML = "";
		HTML+= "<p>HTML P Tag String</p>";
		HTML+= "<p><a href='/test/link.html'>HTML A Tag String</a></p>";
		String htmlTagPattern = "<{1}[^>]{1,}>{1}"; //HTML Tag Pattern		
		String htmlSplit = HTML.replaceAll(htmlTagPattern, ""); //移除HTML Tag
		System.out.println("htmlSplit : " + htmlSplit); //輸出htmlSplit : HTML P Tag StringHTML A Tag String

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8,021 Responses

  1. emaaida表示:

    However, if you are dead-set on installing an FTP client, EasyFTPClient comes with its own set of servers integrated right into the app that you can use in case the client your’re using doesn’t add support for uploading files to FTP servers.
    Performance is above average and connections are stable
    The aforementioned file transfer part is mostly comprised of a Media Library with quick access to your connections, the Page Library (which doubles as your Network Explorer), a Network Manager, and a File manager
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