Animate.CSS – 用CSS就可以做出的動態特效


Animate 官網截圖

Animate 官網截圖


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="animate.css">



  <div id="frog" class="animated bounceInDown" ></div>


<div id="rainbow" class="animated zoomIn"></div>


<div id="mrt" class="animated lightSpeedIn"></div>




*{ margin:0px; padding:px; border:none}

  -webkit-animation-duration: 3.5s;/*設定該物件特效過程的時間,3.5s代表3.5秒。*/
<div id="rainbow" class="animated zoomIn"></div>


  -webkit-animation-delay: 3.5s;/*指定該物件特效延遲開始,3.5s代表3.5秒。*/
<div id="mrt" class="animated lightSpeedIn"></div>


  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;/*設定該特效次數,infinite代表無限。*/
<div id="star" class="animated flash"></div>




*{ padding:0px; margin:0px}
body{ background-color: #999;}
.clearLeft{ clear:left}
.floatLeft{ float: left}
#box{ width:1300px; height:800px; overflow:hidden; margin:auto; padding-top:30px;}
#cloud1{ width:130px; height:100px; background-image:url(images/cloud1.png); position:relative; left:-230px;-webkit-animation-duration: 20s;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;}/*設定雲朵特效過程長20秒,特效次數無限。*/
#cloud2{width:78px; height:63px; background-image:url(images/cloud2.png); position:relative; top:100px; right:-1300px;-webkit-animation-duration: 25s;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;}/*設定雲朵特效過程長25秒,特效次數無限*/
#cloud3{ width:130px; height:100px; background-image:url(images/cloud1.png); position:relative; top:200px; left:-330px;-webkit-animation-duration: 20s;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-delay: 2s;}/*設定雲朵特效過程長20秒,特效次數無限,且在頁面載入2秒後做特效*/

#star1{ width:45px; height:45px; background-image:url(images/star1.png);position:relative; left:50px;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-delay: 2s}/*設定星星特效次數無限,且在頁面載入2秒後做特效*/
#star2{ width:23px; height:23px; background-image:url(images/star2.png);position:relative; left:230px; top:80px;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-delay: 0.3s}/*設定星星特效次數無限,且在頁面載入0.3秒後做特效*/
#star3{ width:22px; height:22px; background-image:url(images/star3.png);position:relative; left:400px;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-delay: 0.5s }/*設定星星特效次數無限,且在頁面載入0.5秒後做特效*/
#star4{ width:41px; height:41px; background-image:url(images/star4.png);position:relative; left:580px ;top:100px; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-delay: 0.8s}/*設定星星特效次數無限,且在頁面載入0.8秒後做特效*/
#star5{ width:22px; height:23px; background-image:url(images/star5.png);position:relative; left:750px;top:50px; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;}/*設定星星特效次數無限*/
#panda{ width:166px; height:175px; background-image:url(images/panda2.png); position:relative; top:350px;-webkit-animation-delay: 3.0s}/*設定熊貓在頁面載入3.8秒後做特效*/
#frog{ width:159px; height:184px; background-image:url(images/frog2.png); position:relative; top:250px;-webkit-animation-delay: 4.1s}/*設定青蛙在頁面載入4.1秒後做特效*/
#taipei{ width:252px; height:442px; background-image:url(images/101.png);-webkit-animation-delay:4.9s;}/*設定101在頁面載入4.9秒後做特效*/
#ferriBox{ width:200px; height:270px; position:relative; top:5px; left:20px;-webkit-animation-delay:3.8s;}/*設定摩天輪在頁面載入3.8秒後做特效*/
#wheel{ width:199px; height:202px; background-image:url(images/wheel.png); position:relative; top:102px;left:-50px;}
#ferri{ width:82px; height:178px; background-image:url(images/ferri.png);}
#heart1{ width:25px; height:23px; background-image:url(images/love1.png);margin-left:110px; margin-bottom:10px;-webkit-animation-delay:5.3s; }/*設定愛心在頁面載入5.3秒後做特效*/
#heart2{ width:33px; height:28px; background-image:url(images/love2.png);margin-left:80px; margin-bottom:20px;-webkit-animation-delay:5.9s;}/*設定愛心在頁面載入5.9秒後做特效*/
#heart3{ width:41px; height:41px; background-image:url(images/love3.png);margin-left:140px; -webkit-animation-delay:6.4s;}/*設定愛心在頁面載入6.4秒後做特效*/
#heart4{ width:60px; height:50px; background-image:url(images/love4.png);margin-left:70px; margin-bottom:10px;-webkit-animation-delay:7.0s;}/*設定愛心在頁面載入7.0秒後做特效*/
#heart5{ width:86px; height:84px; background-image:url(images/love5.png);margin-left:160px; margin-bottom:10px;-webkit-animation-delay:7.6s;}/*設定愛心在頁面載入7.6秒後做特效*/
#house{ width:116px; height:145px; background-image:url(images/house.png);margin-bottom:10px;}
#hello{ margin-top:25px; margin-left:8px;-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;-webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s;}/*設定Hello特效次數無限,並且在頁面載入1.5秒後做特效*/
#bear{ width:187px; height:197px; background-image:url(images/bear.png); position:relative; top:340px;left:-160px;-webkit-animation-delay:4.4s}/*設定黑熊在頁面載入4.4秒後做特效*/
#balloonBox{-webkit-animation-delay:4.4s; position:relative}/*設定氣球在頁面載入4.4秒後做特效*/
#balloon{ width:78px; height:125px; background-image: url(images/balloon.png);position:relative; top:320px; left:-70px;-webkit-animation-delay:8.3s;-webkit-animation-duration: 20s; }/*設定氣球在頁面載入8.3秒後做特效,特效過程20秒*/
#rainbow{ width:1152px; height:378px; background-image:url(images/rainbowB.png); position:relative; bottom:100px;-webkit-animation-duration: 3.5s; }/*彩虹,設定特效過程3.5秒*/
<div id="box">
<div id="cloud1" class=" animated fadeInRightBig floatLeft"></div><!-- 使用fadeInRightBig是會從視窗外由右向左飛進來的效果-->
<div id="cloud2"class=" animated fadeInLeftBig floatLeft"></div>
<div id="cloud3" class=" animated fadeInRightBig floatLeft"></div>
<div id="star1"class=" animated flash clearLeft floatLeft"></div>
<div id="star2"class=" animated flash floatLeft"></div><!--flash 閃爍效果,可以運用在星星或閃光燈...上面-->
<div id="star3"class=" animated flash floatLeft"></div>
<div id="star4"class=" animated flash floatLeft"></div>
<div id="star5"class=" animated flash floatLeft"></div>
<div id="panda"class=" animated bounceInUp clearLeft floatLeft"></div><!--bounceInUp 熊貓彈上來的效果-->
<div id="frog"class=" animated bounceInDown floatLeft"></div><!--bounceInDown 青蛙跳下來的效果-->
<div id="taipei"class=" animated fadeIn floatLeft"></div><!--fadeIn 101淡入效果-->

<div id="ferriBox"class=" animated bounceIn floatLeft"><!--bounceIn 摩天輪彈進來的效果-->
 <div id="wheel" ></div>
 <div id="ferri"class=""></div>

<div id="houseBox"class=" animated zoomIn floatLeft"><!-- zoomIn 房子與愛心還有愛心上的字同時從遠到進的效果 -->
 <div id="heart5" class="animated fadeIn"><img class="animated tada" id="hello" src="images/hello.png" width="50" height="49"><!-- tada 設定Hello晃動的效果 --></div>
 <div id="heart4"class="animated fadeIn"></div><!-- fadeIn 設定愛心淡入的效果 -->
 <div id="heart3"class="animated fadeIn"></div>
 <div id="heart2"class="animated fadeIn"></div>
 <div id="heart1"class="animated fadeIn"></div>
 <div id="house"></div>
<!-- 為了讓氣球跟熊可以一起出現,最後氣球還可以飛到天上,所以用多個DIV包住,設定不同特效及時間。-->
<div id="balloonBox" class="animated bounceInRight floatLeft"><!--bounceInRight 氣球由右往左彈入效果-->
 <div id="balloon"class=" animated fadeOutUpBig floatLeft"></div><!--fadeOutUpBig 氣球往上飛效果-->

<div id="bear" class="animated bounceInRight floatLeft"></div><!--bounceInRight 黑熊由右往左彈入效果-->

<div id="rainbow" class="animated zoomIn clearLeft"></div><!--zoomIn 彩虹由遠到近的效果-->


bounce bounceIn bounceOutRight fadeInRightBig
flash bounceInDown bounceOutUp fadeInUp
pulse bounceInLeft fadeIn fadeInUpBig
rubberBand bounceInRight fadeInDown fadeOut
shake bounceInUp fadeInDownBig fadeOutDown
swing bounceOut fadeInLeft fadeOutDownBig
tada bounceOutDown fadeInLeftBig fadeOutLeft
wobble bounceOutLeft fadeInRight fadeOutLeftBig
flipInX rotateIn fadeOutUp fadeOutUpBig
flipInY rotateInDownLeft rotateOutDownLeft rollIn
flipOutX rotateInDownRight rotateOutDownRight rollOut
flipOutY rotateInUpLeft rotateOutUpLeft zoomIn
lightSpeedIn rotateInUpRight rotateOutUpRight zoomInDown
lightSpeedOut rotateOut hinge zoomInLeft
slideInDown slideOutDown zoomOutDown zoomInRight
slideInLeft slideOutLeft zoomOutLeft zoomInUp
slideInRight slideOutRight zoomOutRight zoomOut
slideInUp slideOutUp zoomOutUp

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10,455 Responses

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